Welcome To The Underrated

April 30, 2024

In this Episode:

Through this channel, I will be sharing stories on business, artists, sports, and pop culture. My vision for this is to give you a fresh perspective on the things you like and enjoy; and hopefully provide you with a newfound appreciation for the underrated moves that happened that you might not know about that led to the outcome of the things you commonly know about.


Hey There,

Welcome to The Underrated!

Ever since I was a little kid, I've always been inspired by people who have accomplished remarkable feats. This could be in the business world, sports, music, or just in life. The outcomes of their stories always filled me with so much inspiration, life, and hope that one with hard work & dedication you could get a sense of what that feeling is like.

I can compare it to hitting a game-winner. I played competitive basketball growing up, and if you've played basketball, you always do the 3, 2, 1 countdown as if you're about to hit a game-winning shot on your driveway or while playing in the gym by yourself.

In these moments alone, you think about the packed gym, your team is down by 2, and you need the 3-pointer to seal the win. You work a couple of moves on your defender, step back, shoot the ball, and BANG! (Mike Breen Voice) it's nothing but net as the buzzer rings.

In these moments, the person who scored the game-winner is the one who gets all the praise. But there were moments that led to that for the person to be in that position to score. It could be the teammate who dove on the floor to get the loose ball to pass to a teammate who passes to the person who gets the final shot. The person who dove on the floor doesn't make the headlines, but without them, the opportunity to get that game-winning shot wouldn't happen.

This is why I'm creating The Underrated. I want to go back to all those stories that inspired me throughout my life and showcase the people and breakthrough moments that played a part in that major achievement for something or someone.

Through this channel, I will be sharing stories on business, artists, sports, and pop culture. My vision for this is to give you a fresh perspective on the things you like and enjoy; and hopefully provide you with a newfound appreciation for the underrated moves that happened that you might not know about that led to the outcome of the things you commonly know about.

I'll be releasing a video every Wednesday on YouTube and my social media accounts. Join me as we go through this ride together!

Thank you,

Owen Osinde

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